
Showing posts from August, 2017

When is the best time to workout? short answer

First answer I would give to the question "When is the best time to workout?" is "When you will adhere to a program". There are other variables that play into this, I know because I have tried them all.  First let us consider the type of exercise. Running:  Best early morning in the summer, preferably not after a heavy meal.  In the winter depending on where you live, the afternoon/evening can be better. Cycling:  I have eaten a regular sized meal and been able to cycle within an hour of it.  Any time of day for this one if it is inside...I guess the same thing could be said about running. Weight lifting, or resistance training.  This one should be done when you are well rested and after a dynamic warm up.  Now, let us talk about time of day and calorie burn. Over all, the morning is the best time to work out because it sets the tone for the rest of your day.  You will have more energy from your workout and be motivated to move more....